Friday Feb 15, 2019
The Benefits of Playful Parenting
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Raising tweens and teens can be the most challenging and also the most rewarding experience we can be part of. I have the pleasure of welcoming Colette Reilley back to talk about playful parenting. Yes, those two words can co-exist.
During this conversation, we take a deep dive into:
- Listening isn’t just about your children listening, it’s also about parents listening to their children;
- The tweens and teen years, growth, challenges and parenting through this time; and
- Helping our children embrace who they are and on the flip side, embracing who are children are.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- When we create the space for our children to get curious about their lives, their experiences and their choices, they are less likely to look elsewhere for that space;
- The tween and teen years bring about many changes for both the children and the parents, understanding these changes are normal and NOT personal makes the challenging times more understandable;
- Helping our children embrace who they are may be uncomfortable and challenging for us, that is a great opportunity to explore why and where it’s a challenge for you. It’s a time for personal growth for parents as well; and
- Our children are more okay than we may give them credit for, stand back a little, give them boundaries but make sure you also give them room to grow.
Parenting is fluid and is about connection and curiosity. If you are willing to show up and dance in the moment, and connect human to human parenting can be a wonderful thing.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Much love,
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
The Changing Relationship With Self and Others Through The Ebb and Flow of Life
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
My conversation today with Shenan Charania is about the changing relationship with self and others through the ebb and flow of life. Shenan’s life journey is so interesting. Currently, he is a transformative coach who works with inspirational leaders. He has a lovely presence and I’m looking forward to seeing what comes up in this conversation.
During this conversation, we take a deep dive into:
- How looking for a sense of belonging led to being involved with gang life for over ten years and the realization that a sense of belonging doesn’t come from others, things, experiences;
- Distorted perspectives and how they play out in life;
- The journey of self during the journey of life. From the gangster lifestyle to owning a Tim Horton’s to being a coach; and
- Shame and guilt for past behaviours and choices don’t serve you.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- Distorted thinking leads to distorted actions. When someone has a shift in perspective, relationships change in immeasurable ways;
- Our own interpretation of the past changes as we evolve in our own personal growth;
- People spend so much time, money and effort searching for the answers to who am I and where do I belong from others, books, drugs, alcohol, food, etc. These efforts are futile, it is only when we shift the direction of our search inwards will we find the answers; and
- The most beautiful relationship you will ever be in is the one with yourself.
This conversation is a perfect example of the power of connection and the power of showing up. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Friday Feb 01, 2019
The Secret To A Healthy And Happy Romantic Relationship
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
This month we are all about relationships - romantic, in business, parenting and most important with yourself. In this episode, I chat with Julie and Michael about the ease and playfulness of their relationship. They are a blended family with five kids. Michael is a fitness, nutrition and wellness coach and Julie is a nutrition coach and Veterinarian. With Michael and Julie talking about relationships is fun. I’m totally inspired by these two lovely souls.
During this conversation, we take a deep dive into:
- The power when we embrace our individual wholeness within a romantic relationship;
- How conflict arises in relationships that come from having unspoken expectations;
- Relationships can be enjoyable and easy, even when there are conflict and low moods; and
- Parenting and blending families with grace.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- When you try to analyze or conceptualize the actions, interactions and moments in your relationship it clouds our thinking and creates tension;
- Happiness does not come from another person. If you are looking to your partner to make you happy, you will miss the beautiful place where happiness and an effortless relationship exists - inside;
- Life is meant to flow, as a result, as do our relationships. Recognizing this, and knowing you don’t have to fix anything when you or your partner are in a low mood lets the natural flow; and
- When we let go of needing to control, conceptualize or fix and embrace who we are as an individual within a relationship - it can be fun and effortless. What a beautiful and inspiring thought.
I hope you enjoy.
Until next time, be well, be inspired, be you.
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
The Secret to Successful Relationships Starts With Yourself
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
I’ve decided to change things up in the new year. Moving forward I am going to try a more thematic approach. I’m excited about this shift! For the next month, my conversations will be focused on relationships.
Relationships are such an important aspect of every part of our lives and we are going to cover the relationships with self, romantic relationships, parenting and in the workplace. I can’t wait to share these conversations with you.
Today I welcome Oscar Licon. He is a business owner, and a human and organizational development coach and trainer.
In this fun conversation we chat about:
- The importance of presence in all relationships;
- What you are bringing to the relationship is based your state of mind and the quality of relationship you have with yourself;
- The importance of understanding your experience of life and your relationships comes from within; and
- The beauty and space for growth the ebb and flow of relationships.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- Our experience of life is based on the quality of relationship we have with each other and more so with ourselves;
- Your spiritual essence or state of mind impacts every aspect of all your relationships;
- If you approach your relationships with curiosity and wonder, rather than judgement or criticism, you will be in a beautiful space where there is infinite potential; and
- When you are connecting with another person, do so to understand how they see their world, doing so will deepen your connection.
Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Are you ready to continue the conversation with the wise and passionate Dominic Scaffidi? I really enjoyed the chat I had with Dominic in the last episode but this one really brought it home for me.
In our last episode, we talked a lot about the theoretical background behind the LOA, the teachings of Abraham Hicks and the Three Principles now we get into the juicy stuff. If you haven’t listened to episode 14 I highly recommend you start there.
In this fun conversation we chat about:
- The practical aspect of the LOA and the teaching of Abraham Hicks;
- Why the direction of your attention matters;
- What is abundance; and
- The power of internal resonance versus dissonance.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- When you try to conceptualize pure energy you are attempting to put form to it, however, you conceptualize it will never capture the full potential of it;
- We live in a world of overflowing abundance, the direction you look in matters. Why not focus on overflowing abundance;
- The direction of your energy, essence determines the path that you are on, it’s a great thing to pay attention to (for a variety of reasons);
- Receiving, willing, allowing are all about resonance and a good feeling; and
- The purpose of life is JOY.
If you have any comments or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Much love,
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
This is a lovely conversation about the Law of Attraction, Abraham Hicks and The Three Principles. In this episode I chat with Dominic Scaffidi, an Executive Coach who is grounded in the Three Principles understanding and is also a student of Abraham Hicks.
During this conversation, we take a deep dive into:
- the Law of Attraction and the teachings of Abraham HIcks;
- the Three Principles understanding; and
- how the teachings of Abraham Hicks and the Three Principles are complimentary.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- Thought is so powerful, it has incredible momentum, and is the missing link between the spiritual and physical;
- Thought is the creator, feeling is the indicator of that thought, there is so much information in the feeling;
- You are always creating your own reality, what you consider as magic or miracles can be reframed into your system of beliefs and takes on a completely different form; and
- When something is true life will teach it to you, I love the simplicity of this.
If you enjoy this conversation I would be really grateful if you could leave a review on iTunes. If you have any comments or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out. I really enjoy reading your emails and welcome your input fur future episode ideas.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Intuitive Eating and The Wisdom Behind Living A Healthy Life
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
This conversation is a perfect way to start the new year. This conversation with Intuitive Coach, body positivist and Personal Trainer Danielle Lithwick highlights the power of our innate wisdom and how that shows up with healthy eating and fitness. Danielle is a sweet soul, I enjoyed connecting with her.
During this conversation we chat about:
- What being body positive means;
- Ten principles to intuitive eating;
- Honour your hunger; and
- Emotional eating.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- Our innate wisdom includes healthy eating signals;
- There is a difference between respecting your body versus loving your body;
- The concept of ‘ideal’ is made up, and differs from person to person, therefore searching for the ideal is futile; and
- Trust the wisdom of your body, it will never lead you wrong.
I loved the message Danielle promotes. This is one everyone should embrace. It breaks my heart to see people who struggle with a negative self-image. Danielle has a vast amount of experience and she definitely embraces her message. She has a great new program coming up, the details are below.
This conversation was a great example of how we have an inbuilt capacity to deal with every aspect of life. Letting go and leaning into trusting our innate wisdom is a beautiful way to start this new year.
Thank-you for listening. I would be grateful if you could leave a review on iTunes. If you have any comments or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Much love,
To reach Danielle:
To learn more about Danielle’s upcoming program:
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Just Play
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
This week I have the pleasure of connecting with Nick Bottini. Nick and I went through Clarity coach training together. First and foremost he is a beautiful soul, as well as an author and coach working in the music industry. Nick has just released a book Just Play, it’s a beautiful read that I highly recommend to those who are curious about the connection between state of mind and flow state.
In this wonderful conversation Nick and I talk about:
- The psychology of performance;
- Mental health and the flow state in performance; and
- The process of writing a book.
Here are a few thought bomb takeaways:
- Mental health (being mentally healthy) is the same for those in the music industry, sports, artists, business, etc. it’s the same for all humans ;
- Searching for the magic in the success of others is futile, your own magic is within;
- Resilience isn’t defined by hard work, practice, etc. it’s something innate. We don’t have to search for it. It is within each and every one of us; and
- If you go looking for ‘flow state’ outside of yourself you will go on an endless search.
I have to be honest when I first picked up Nick's book I was interested in reading it because he had written it. I wasn’t far into the book when I realized the message in his book is one that all humans, whether performers or not should hear. I encourage you to pick up a copy.
I'm loving the feedback and personal notes. If you have any comments or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Live Your Best Life 101
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Today I'm chatting with the witty and wise Amir Karkouti. In addition to being a father and husband, Amir is a kick-ass coach and business owner. What I love about him is that he shows up fully and gives with such an open heart.
I LOVED this conversation. We cover a lot of topics including:
- Taking action despite the quality of your thinking in the moment;
- Even if we look different from the outside, we are all looking for the same thing on the inside; and
- When you are trying to figure out life from a conceptual place you are not living; and
The power of showing up and doing your best.
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Parenting With An Open Mind
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Mandy Spray, an inspiring coach & facilitator. We talk about parenting with an open mind and heart.
During our chat we discuss:
- Why it’s important to have conversations with parents when working with children;
- Society as a whole will benefit when we stop seeing teenagers as a problem;
- The science behind what is happening as our children progress through the teenage years and
Blame, shame and guilt should not have a seat at the parenting table.
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Wisdom, Parenting and The Power of Deep Listening
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
What a wonderful conversation with Dr. Jack Pransky, a Three Principles Author, Trainer and Practitioner. Jack's work spans across many disciplines including prevention, parenting, health and wellness.
In this conversation, we discuss challenges and approaches to parenting, the power of deep listening, how we create our experience; and the power of being aligned with our own wisdom. This is a must listen for parents, teachers, and those looking for a deeper sense of life.
Much love, Jessie-Lynn
Friday Nov 09, 2018
The Secret To Living A Beautiful Life
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Today I’m chatting with Jacquie Forde. She’s a mischevious and lovely soul who is always ready for a laugh.
We talk about the eff and flow of life and what it takes to live a beautiful life. It's a lovely, fun conversation filled with amazing nuggets of wisdom. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.
Much love, Jessie-Lynn
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Empowering Women
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
One of the reasons I started this podcast is to show the power of connection, potential, and resilience. This conversation exemplifies all of these qualities. Today’s guest is Selah Davenport, Operations Manager of Free The Girls, an organization that helps girls freed from trafficking live a life of freedom.
This conversation exemplifies the ripple effect of reaching out and being part of the solution.
Friday Oct 26, 2018
The Answer to End War - Episode #5
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
In this episode we travel across the world to Tel Aviv to talk to Stephanie Fox, Middle-East Director of One Solution Global. A small town Minnesota girl ready to take on the world.
We talk about:
– the history of states and how humans politically organized themselves;
– addressing some of the worlds larger and society’s smaller problems are easier than we might think; and
– the difference you can make in the world by following your passion.
Friday Oct 19, 2018
The Fountain of Youth - Episode #4
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
If you are searching for the fountain of youth look no further. In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Leonie Morris, a psychologist, and coach focusing on the limiting beliefs around age and an all round amazing human being. Chatting with Leonie is like taking an elixir.
Until next time: Be well. Be inspired. Be You.
To connect with Leonie: